Monday, November 10, 2008

The meaning of life

I have no idea.

I used to think it had to do with leaving a legacy--which could be done through life-impacting career, a meaningful body of work, the arts, or your children--something to leave behind you, so that you would be remembered.

But perhaps not. Perhaps the meaning of life has only to do with being a good person and doing the right thing.

At the same time, one needs to be fulfilled. Knowing I'm doing a good job raising three good kids, three boys, whom I believe will function well in life and be able to deal with whatever is thrown at them, is good. But it's not enough. I need satisfaction that comes with getting paid well (being recognized) for doing a good job. (Funny when it comes to work, how men typically associate self worth with payscale and women with job satisfaction. I want to get paid well and have a senior position, dammit!)

But is fulfillment more of a question of self-worth than of the meaning of life? I think so. So what's the meaning of life? What gives your life meaning?

...You know...if you can't answer the question, you can just change the questions and ask something else instead!

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