Saturday, October 11, 2008


My mother's angiogram didn't take place yesterday, but will this coming Friday. Something to do with paperwork. Yes, she has an HMO, but it will cover everything, and with the best doctors, at Columbia-Presbyterian. So don't believe everything you hear about HMOs! The paperwork for the heart surgery actually went through first, but that won't be scheduled until after the angio, which will be performed by a Dr. Warren Sherman. The actual heart surgery will be performed by Dr. Mehmet Oz. Two people have asked me to get his autograph (he frequently appears on Oprah and elsewhere)!

She's on eight different medications and under orders to take it easy. And, best of all, she finally quit smoking! Yesterday was a week, and I am so glad...we all are.

So...I'm here for another week at least...and have a big proposal to finish for Australian brokers. In fact, that's what I should be working on now!

I'm also trying to figure out ways to earn extra money. I've got a small "shop" set up on Cafe Press, but none of the items are terribly in demand. I've got to become more creative. I thought about trying to sell stuff online and am even testing the idea out by selling something in the Facebook Marketplace (I've even got a buyer for one item I placed there). But it makes more sense moving forward to use ebay. First I need to figure out what stuff to sell. As I go through a room, I look to see what sits unused and unwanted. These items may as well make someone else happy!

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