Monday, June 16, 2008

Lesson No. 13 - We are stronger than we think

I started an exercise boot camp at my local JCC a few weeks ago. And boy, is it tough! My body is being pushed to the limit almost every time. But I'm doing it....We are stronger than we think.

Yes, giving in or giving up is an option, for various reasons -- anything from not enjoying pain (!) to not really wanting to make the effort, or even not really wanting to change. I think that for exercise, as for anything else in life, one needs to be more motivated to change the current situation than to leave it as is. But for some, the status quo is preferable to anything unknown and untested, especially when achieving anything other than the status quo requires effort and/or discomfort.

But we can do it -- we can get into shape, we can lose weight, we can quit smoking (I won that battle years ago), we can become non-procrastinators (I'm working on that one now!), we can change careers, change the atmosphere in our home and in our lives, etc.

I truly believe that we can do many things -- if we want it badly enough, are focused and self-disciplined enough, and constantly keep our goal in sight.

We are stronger than we think.

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