Friday, May 16, 2008

Party planning on a budget

After the weekend, my mother-in-law told me I should write a book. My sister-in-law told me I should take on clients. A friend has given me a heads up that she would like my help.

Some of the things I did required nothing more than legwork and time (researching restaurants, magicians, different food options, etc.). Others might have required creativity (centerpieces, favors) or a sense of design and no fear of printing something other than 8 1/2" x 11" paper (invitations, thank you notes, place cards). Still others require knowing how to adopt other people's ideas (water bottle labels, candy torahs, still other centerpieces). Most require familiarity with computer design programs, but the truth is, there's an awful lot once can do with WORD, if he/she knows how...

What I've done, anyone can do. Read past posts to begin seeing how (see this one and earlier ones...)...

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